Visit Cindy's new blog 56AndTheCity which chronicles the ups and downs of navigating a new life in NYC!

Read "Why We Need Art" by Cindy and published in the Elephant Journal.

Preview of Amber Widom unfolds in 'This is My Show' (written by Cindy Brandle for the

“I think we all have secrets, a part we’d like to hide.

But if you hang on to me, I’ll show my other side” ~ lyrics from the song “I Fall Down” by Cindy Brandle

Sometimes people don’t always confess to having multiple sides, nor do we always confess our flaws and secrets. But, we all possess some sort of mystery, and what a catharsis it can be when we share our personal stories, regardless of how we are perceived after the release.

For performance artist Amber Widom, catharsis comes in the theatrical form of several characters in her premiere performance “This is My Show”, which opens this weekend at the Integral Center in Boulder. Pushing boundaries of what is “acceptable” in society, Widom introduces a myriad of personalities, one of which is named Zinca. In Widom’s words “I’m excited to share Zinca with you! She’s a loud, roaring, howling, sometimes scary, but mostly loving, joyous sweetheart who loves to love.” Told through dramatic and comedic theatrical exploration with a touch of dance, these characters have the proclivity to make Widom herself nervous because they can be “very socially unacceptable, and ridiculous”.

Frequently the cleansing you feel after purging a secret side of you is felt throughout your entire being and you wonder why it took so long to let it out. But, as we all know, there is a precise time for everything and the unfolding happens as it is meant.

Watch Widom unfold, daring to relinquish her secret side. But hang on tight, dear readers, and perhaps without those under 17, for this show is a Rated R, as it includes “explicit language, sexual content, partial nudity, extreme emotion, pantomimed acts of violence and other things not mentioned here that probably could be. *This is not a show for children.”

Friday, April, 7:30 pm

Saturday, April 30 7:30


2805 Broadway - Boulder, CO

$20 pre-sale - tickets at:

$25 at the door - only 65 tickets available each night, so I highly suggest the pre-sale situation.